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The ApuTime modules enable you to create, update, retrieve, delete, or search projects and tasks in your ApuTime account.


  • An ApuTime account

In order to use ApuTime with Make, it is necessary to have an ApuTime account. If you do not have one, you can create an ApuTime account at


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Make scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect ApuTime to Make

To connect your ApuTime account to Make you need to obtain your Application Name and API Key.

  1. Log in to your ApuTime account.

  2. Click your profile icon in the top-right corner and then the Settings icon.

  3. Click Get API Key.

  4. Copy the Application Name and Access Token to your clipboard.

  5. Go to Make and open the ApuTime module's Create a connection dialog.

  6. In the Connection name field, enter the connection name.

  7. In the Application Name and API Key fields, enter the application name and API key copied in step 3 respectively.

  8. Click Continue.

The connection has been established.


Watches for each change on the project at a specified time.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.


The maximum number of projects Make should return during one scenario execution cycle.

creates a new project which can be empty or from a template.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Project Name

Enter a name for the project.


Enter the date to which the project is postponed or moved.


Enter the date when the project must be completed.


Select the project template.

AI Scheduling

Select whether the project's updates were scheduled using AI:

  • Enabled

  • Disabled

Returns of the project with a lot of useful information such as predictions which is your CRM greedy for.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Project ID

Enter the Project ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Updates an existing project.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Project ID or CODE

Enter the Project ID or Project Code which you want to update.

Project Name

Enter a new project name.


Enter the date to which the project is postponed or moved.


Enter the date when the project must be completed.

AI Scheduling

Select whether the project's updates were scheduled using AI:

  • Enabled

  • Disabled


Watches for each change on the task at a specified interval.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.


The maximum number of tasks Make should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Query Predicates or full text

Enter the query string or full name of the task you want to watch.

Creates everything the task should have.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Task name

Enter a name for the task.


Select the project to which the task belongs to.


Enter the details of the task.


Enter the applicable labels for the task. For example, bug, production, and so on.


Select the task type.


Enter the date by when the task must be completed.


Enter the date to which the task is postponed or moved.

Estimated time value

Enter the time estimated for the task.

Estimated time unit

Select the unit for the time:

  • Minutes

  • Hours

Returns detail of the existing task.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Task ID

Enter the Task ID or Task Code whose details you want to retrieve.

Updates an already existing task.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Task ID or CODE

Enter the Task ID or the task code of the task you want to update.

Task name

Enter a name for the task.


Select the project to which the task belongs to.

Group Cooperation at the same time?

Select whether the task is assigned to a group or an individual:

  • Yes

  • No


Select the participants to assign the task.


Select the user to assign the task.


Enter the applicable labels for the task. For example, bug, production, and so on.


Select the task type.


Enter the date by when the task must be completed.


Enter the date to which the task is postponed or moved.

Estimated time value

Enter the time estimated for the task.

Estimated time unit

Select the unit for the time:

  • Minutes

  • Hours

Attaches a Google Drive file to a task.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Task ID

Enter the Task ID to which you want to attach the file from Google Drive.

File ID

Enter the File ID you want to attach to the task.

File Name

Enter the file name.

Public Link

Enter the shareable link to attach to the task and the user can access it. See the Google Drive Help to share the link.


Enter the media type of the file you want to attach to the task. For example, HTML, PDF, and so on.

File Size

Enter the file size. For example, 2 MB.

Task List

Returns current schedule.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Show Plan only for me

Select to view only your task plans.

Number of returned tickets

The maximum number of tasks Make should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Searches by the query string. It uses full text search and very powerful query language as well.


Establish a connection to your BigMarker account.

Query predicates or full text

Select or enter the query to search for the tasks.


Select the order in which you want to list the searched tasks.


Select the option to list the tasks:

  • DESC - Descending Order

  • ASC - Ascending Order

Number of returned tickets

The maximum number of tasks Make should return during one scenario execution cycle.