The No-Code Explosion: Can These Tools Help Teams Develop Products Faster?

Just because you have your own in-house development team, it doesn’t mean that all your integration needs are met or met with the greatest use of time.
No-code tools, which have been touted to help the layman user develop online projects as easily as a skilled developer, also have a place within companies that have a development team.
New tools, new roles
No-code tools help put the tools of development into other team members hands to help provide solutions across the board fast.
The other way is that it takes the tediousness away from developing the actual code for solutions that a no-code tool can help with, allowing for your development team to concentrate on projects that directly affect your product.
Essentially, no-code tools can help manage development pipelines and priorities, as well as better enforcing employee responsibilities.
By allowing more people in the company to be part of the solution, companies can develop, iterate, and respond to customer demands faster, while still keeping the development of the product on pace.
So, if you are on a development team, or not on the team but are no-code tool savvy, here is a case for why that team can develop your product faster with no-code tools.
Why no-code tools?
No-code tools allow people to take an intuitive approach when building anything on the internet. Users can visually create what they need to with technology such as drag and drop command. They can create without writing a single line of code.
No programming logic needed!
Users can develop everything from online forms to e-commerce sites, to websites to mobile apps, all using no-code platforms. By in-which making anyone a maker and accounting for the explosion of no-code tools.
Don’t just take our word for it. Read more about the rise of no-code.
But what does that mean for your team?
Increased productivity, faster product development times
As no-code tools help the average citizen user create and implement online projects, it can help divide up the workflow within your team's pipeline, and manage employee responsibilities.
1. Teams can create their own tech solutions
Your product is always changing. Feature requests coming in. New workflows needed to improve your sales and marketing strategies. A need to automate your customer support workflow, to respond to customers more seamlessly.
Think of the tasks that are necessary for your success but are additional tasks on top of what your development team has to work on for your product. I am sure your list goes on and on.
No-code tools are great options that allow other tech-enthusiasts to provide technological solutions. By making everyone a maker and using these tools, you can divide up the work and allow team members in their individual departments to solve and implement solutions.
Read more about, the impact of what these tools have by expanding the developer role to others.
2. Development teams can concentrate exclusively on the product
This brings us to our other reason. By allowing other team members in other departments to implement solutions, it frees up your development team’s time to work on more complex problems.
Moreover, your development team can use no-code tools themselves, to more quickly create code for their solutions to succeed faster.
For example, when it comes to automating an entire workflow, no-code automation platforms, like Make, are great for a quick turn around. They take the tediousness out of implementing the logic of your needed integrations.
One of our Make users shared the impact of what this has on their pace of development. Ludwig Wurlitzer, Co-founder, and CPO of Chronext, a luxury watch platform, explained to us that their development team can more quickly automate their customer support pipeline with the use of a no-code workflow automation platform.
Like most companies, a small percentage of the work is developing the logic for a solution, and the majority of the work is creating the code for that solution. Instead of having their developer team use their limited time to write code for their integrations, they realized they could rely on Make to do most of their integrations.
This way, they could concentrate on more product-centric development: “I think what it meant for us and what it has changed is there is much more opportunity for automating business logic. When you think about a solution, you immediately begin to think, ‘but ok how am I going to build it with limited resources’.
What changes for us is we can now worry less about the implementation, and think more about the solution.” — Ludwig Wurlitzer, Chronext.
No-codes tools can help your development team develop your product faster by dividing up the work, managing priorities between teams, and letting that team implement logic faster to concentrate on the more product-centric issues.
Try Make for free today!