Automate marketing, accelerate growth

Grow the impact of your marketing, using Make’s power to unlock hidden value in your existing workflows by automating everything from lead generation through to customer marketing.

Automate marketing, accelerate growth

Powerful marketing automation. Results you can see.

Automating your marketing tasks allows you to devote time to finding new ways to grow your business. With Make, you can connect your existing marketing tools - and easily integrate new ones - to automate everything from market research to event management, social posting, ad campaigns and more.

Powerful marketing automation. Results you can see.

Use Cases

Explore Marketing automation solutions

Social Media Management

Splitting your time across social media channels can dilute your online presence and prevent you from meaningfully interacting with followers. Embrace automation with Make to generate and publish content, all while keeping consistent communication with your audience. It works with everything from X and LinkedIn to Facebook and Instagram.

Social Media Management

Market Research

Manual research is time intensive work - but you need the right data to make good decisions. With Make, automation streamlines data collection, analysis, and reporting, enabling you to make good decisions with the most up-to-date data.

Market Research

Analytics & Reporting

Don’t drown in data. Analytics and reporting automation consolidates data for you, synthesizing error-free reports. Connect your tools with Make to focus on evaluating trends, allocating your resources more effectively, and maximizing performance.

Analytics & Reporting

Event Management

Hours of work go into an event long before the big day. Manual logistical tasks like ticketing, attendee registration, and event updates distract you from the important details that make your event impactful. Take care of attendees by using Make to smooth your event workflows.

Event Management

Content Creation

Consistent content creation is critical for sustained reach, but generating ideas and bringing them to life takes time. When you embrace Make, posting delays become a thing of the past. Content creation automation streamlines the process from ideation to publication.

Content Creation

Community Management

Reduce the workload on community managers’ plates by using Make to automate processes like moderating new posts, updating community platform calendars and weekly digests, and sharing social media content with the community the moment it’s published.

Community Management

Lifecycle Marketing

You work hard to acquire your customers, so it's essential to build a lasting relationship with every one. Siloed infrastructure can make it hard to see where you might be losing customers - and revenue. Break down those silos by connecting your tools with Make, and automate workflows that deliver value throughout the customer lifecycle.

Lifecycle Marketing

Lead Processing

Make connects the tools in your marketing stack and automates your workflows. Spend less time managing the flow of leads, and increase your capacity to generate demand, by relying on lead processing automation.

Lead Processing

LinkedIn and Make: Reliably Powering Growth for Celonis

With its LinkedIn pipeline generating leads fast, Celonis turned to Make to scale its signup process. Now, as Celonis attracts more interest than ever, Make is playing an expanding, critical role in handling growth.

LinkedIn and Make: Reliably Powering Growth for Celonis


How do I get started with Make?
What is a scenario?
What is a module?
What is mapping?

How it works

Traditional no-code iPaaS platforms are linear and non-intuitive. Make allows you to visually create, build, and automate without limits.

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Trusted by 500,000+ Makers

"Make really helped us to scale our operations, take the friction out of our processes, reduce costs, and relieved our support team. It is difficult to not become a fan."


Head of Operations at Teleclinic

"Make drives unprecedented efficiency within our business in ways we never imagined. It’s having an extra employee (or 10) for a fraction of the cost."

Cayden Phipps

COO at Shop Accelerator Martech

"The simplicity, flexibility and ability to build real complex automations without any knowledge of programming makes it the best thing since sliced bread."

Ekki Smaly

Product Owner at Smaily

"True citizen development in the entire company. Make is present in every department, empowering the company to offer a unique customer experience."

Andreas Wixler

CTO & Co-founder at FINN