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With FluentCRM modules in Make, you can manage your contacts, lists, tags, and campaigns.

To use the FluentCRM modules, you must have a FluentCRM account. You can create an account at

Refer to the FluentCRM API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect FluentCRM to Make

You can establish a connection between FluentCRM and Make using either your login credentials or the WordPress Make Connector plugin.

Connect FluentCRM using login credentials

To establish the connecting using your login credentials:

  1. Log in to your Make account, add a FluentCRM module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. In the Connection type dropdown, select FluentCRM.

  3. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  4. In the Domain field, enter your FluentCRM WordPress URL or domain name. For example, or If you do not include http:// or https://, we will automatically add https:// for you.

  5. In the Username field, enter your FluentCRM account login.

  6. In the Application Password field, enter the application password created in your WordPress account at Users > Profile > Application Password.

  7. Click Save.

  8. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more FluentCRM modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Connect FluentCRM using the Make Connector


You must have the Wordpress Make Connector plugin downloaded in your WordPress account in order to establish this connection.

To establish the connection using the Make Connector:

  1. Log in to your WordPress account with the Make Connector plugin downloaded.

  2. In the left sidebar, click on the Make plugin.

  3. Copy the API Key value. You will use this key in the API Key field in Make.

  4. Log in to your Make account, add a FluentCRM module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  5. In the Connection type dropdown, select FluentCRM Make Connector.

  6. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  7. In the Wordpress REST API base URL field, enter your base URL or domain name in the following format: or If you do not include http:// or https://, we will automatically add https:// for you.

  8. In the API Key field, enter the API key copied in Step 3.

  9. Click Save.

  10. If prompted, authenticate your account and confirm access.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now begin editing scenarios and adding more FluentCRM modules. If your connection needs reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.

Build FluentCRM Scenarios


Searches for specific contacts or lists all of them.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make


Set the maximum number of contacts Make will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

See FluentCRM Contacts API reference for entering the field values to search the contacts that match the specified value.

Returns a specific contact.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Subscriber ID

Select or map the subscriber's ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Meta Properties

Select or map additional meta properties to return.

Creates a new contact.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

For field descriptions, see the FluentCRM Contacts API reference.

Deletes a specific contact or multiple contacts.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Subscriber ID

Select or map the subscriber ID you want to delete.

Updates a specific contact.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Contact ID

Select or map the subscriber ID whose details you want to update.

For field descriptions, see the FluentCRM Contacts API reference.


Searches for specific lists or lists all of them.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make


Enter the value to search for.

Sort By

Select or map whether to sort by ID or title.

Sorting Order

Select or map whether to sort the list in ascending or descending order.


Set the maximum number of lists Make will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Creates a new list.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

For the field descriptions, see the FluentCRM List API Reference.

Updates a specific list.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

List ID

Select or map the List ID whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see the FluentCRM List API reference.

Deletes a specific list.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

List ID

Select or map the List ID you want to delete.


Creates a new tag.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

For the field descriptions, see FluentCRM Tag API reference.

Searches for specific tags or lists all of them.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make


Enter the value to search for.

Sort By

Select or map whether to sort by ID or title.

Sorting Order

Select or map whether to sort the list in ascending or descending order.


Set the maximum number of tags Make will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Updates a specific tag.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Tag ID

Select or map the Tag ID whose details you want to update.

For the field descriptions, see FluentCRM Tag API reference.

Deletes a specific tag.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Tag ID

Select or map the Tag ID you want to delete.


Searches for specific campaigns or lists all of them.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make


Enter the value to search for.

Campaign Status

Add or map campaign statuses to filter the list by.


Set the maximum number of campaigns Make will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.

Deletes a specified campaign.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Campaign ID

Select or map the Campaign ID you want to delete.

Sends a campaign


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make

Campaign Title

Enter the campaign name.

Email Subject

Enter the campaign email's subject line.

Email Body

Enter the campaign email's message text.

From Name

Enter the name that appears in the From field of the campaign email.

From Email

Enter the email address from which you want to send the campaign.


Select or map Lists and Tags that you want to send emails for this campaign. You can create multiple rows to send to all of them. By default, sends to all.

Excluded Subscribers

Select or map Lists and Tags that you want to exclude from this campaign. Excluded contacts will be subtracted from your included selection.

Scheduled At

Enter the date and time at which you want to send the email. To send the campaign immediately, leave this field blank.

See the list of supported date and time formats.


Performs an arbitrary authorized API call.


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the FluentCRM API documentation.


Establish a connection to your FluentCRM account.Connect FluentCRM to Make


Enter a path relative to https://your_domain/wp-json/fluent-crm. For example, /v2/subscribers.



to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don't have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.


The following API call returns all the subscribers from your account.

URL: /v2/subscribers

Method: GET


The search matches can be found in the module's Output under Bundle > Body > subscribers > data

In our example, 129 subscribers were returned:
