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Google Cloud Print

Google Cloud Print, Google’s cloud-based printing solution that has been in beta since 2010, will no longer be supported as of December 31, 2020. For more details, refer to

The Google Cloud Print modules enable you to retrieve or delete print jobs and print in your Google Cloud Print account.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Print


  • A Google account

In order to use Google Cloud Print with Make, it is necessary to have a Google Cloud Print account. If you do not have one, you can create a Google account at the Google Cloud Print website.

Obtain client credentials for your custom app

To obtain the client credentials, you must have access to Google Cloud Console and be able to create or edit the project.

  1. Sign in to Google Cloud console using your Google credentials.

  2. In the upper-left corner, click Select a project > NEW PROJECT. Enter the desired project name, and click the CREATE button.

  3. Select the project you have created.

  4. Go to APIs & Services > Library.

  5. Search and enable the following required APIs:

    • Cloud Resource Manager API

    • Google Drive API

    The desired service option should display as you type. Select the API/service you want to connect to Make.

  6. Click the ENABLE button to enable the selected API.

  7. In the left sidebar, click  APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen.

  8. Choose the External option, and click the CREATE button.


    You will not be charged when selecting this option! For more details, please refer to Google's Exceptions to verification requirements.

  9. Fill in the required fields as follows, and then click Save and Continue:

    App name

    Enter the name of the app asking for consent. For example,  Make.

    User support email

    Developer contact info

    Authorized domains


  10. On the Scopes page, click Add or Remove Scopes. Under Manually Add Scopes, add the following scopes if they are not listed above.



  11. Click Add to Table then click Update.

  12. Click the X in the upper-left corner to close the Scopes box.

  13. Click Save and Continue.

  14. In the Test Users section, click ADD USERS and enter the testing user email address to access the app.

  15. Review the Summary page. Click Back to Dashboard.

  16. In the left sidebar, click Credentials. Click the +CREATE CREDENTIALS and select the OAuth Client ID option.

  17. Fill in the required fields as follows, and then click the Create button to create the application:


    Application type

    web application


    Name of the application. For example, Make.

    Authorized redirect URIs

  18. A dialog containing the app's Client ID and Client Secret is displayed. Save them in a safe place for later use.


You have successfully created the client credentials.

Publishing statuses

Testing: If you keep your project in the Testing status, you will be required to reauthorize your connection in Make every week. To avoid weekly reauthorization, update the project status to In production.

In production: If you update your project to the In production status, you will not be required to reauthorize the connection weekly. To update your project's status, go to the OAuth consent screen and click Publish app. If you see the notice Needs verification, you can choose whether to go through the Google verification process for the app or to connect to your unverified app. Currently connecting to unverified apps works in Make, but we cannot guarantee the Google will allow connections to unverified apps for an indefinite period.

For more information regarding publishing statuses, refer to the Publishing status section of Google's Setting up your OAuth consent screen help.

Connecting Google Cloud Print to Make

To connect Google Cloud Print app:

  1. Log in to your Make account, insert a Google Cloud Print module in your scenario, and click the Add button next to the Connection field.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection.

  3. Optional: Click Show advanced settings and enter the client credentials.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Confirm the permissions dialog by clicking the Allow button.


You have successfully established the connection. You can now begin editing your scenario and adding more Google Cloud Print modules. If your connection needs reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.


Deletes a print job.


Establish a connection to your Google Cloud Print account.

Job ID

Enter the ID of the print job you want to delete.

Retrieves print jobs from your Google Cloud Print account.


Establish a connection to your Google Cloud Print account.


Select the printer you want to retrieve the print jobs from.


Select the status to restrict the search results.

  • QUEUED: Job just added and has not yet been downloaded

  • IN_PROGRESS: Job downloaded and has been added to the client-side native printer queue

  • DONE: Job printed successfully

  • ERROR: Job cannot be printed due to an error

  • SUBMITTED: Job submitted to third-party service (only used for FedEx printer)

  • HELD: Job was successfully submitted but is pending some user action before being QUEUED

Sort Order

Select the sort order of the returned print jobs. The supported values are:

  • CREATE_TIME: Sort jobs in chronological order of submission.

  • CREATE_TIME_DESC (default): Sort jobs in reverse chronological order of submission.

  • STATUS: Sort jobs in ascending* order of status.

  • STATUS_DESC: Sort jobs in descending* order of status.

  • TITLE: Sort jobs in lexicographic order of title.

  • TITLE_DESC: Sort jobs in reverse lexicographic order of title.

Number of returned jobs

Set the maximum number of results Make will return during one execution cycle.